File: /raid/data/arne/sro_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20210226/MP_Gem_20210226@023736.log Line: 02:47:06 **Script Error** Line: 02:47:06 Message: The script was aborted. ========================================== Start of Run : 02:15:50 26-Feb-2021 UT End of Run : 12:58:00 26-Feb-2021 UT Start of Run : 19:15:50 25-Feb-2021 Local End of Run : 05:58:00 26-Feb-2021 Local Run Length : 10:42:10 Total Targets : 27 Total Images : 135 ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_MISC_HQA_AUTO time spent: 29 min 2 : AZ_Cas B V 3 : IR_Com R 6 : SU_Lyn B V Project: AAVSO_MISC_MRV_AUTO time spent: 8 min 3 : X_Ser V Project: AAVSO_MISC_PYG_AUTO time spent: 9 min 3 : HS1340+1524 V Project: AAVSO_MISC_SBL_AUTO time spent: 23 min 4 : AG_Dra B V 2 : MP_Gem V 2 : NQ_Gem B V Project: AAVSO_MISC_WLP_AUTO time spent: 26 min 8 : J072816 B I R V Project: AAVSO_MISC_ZTO_AUTO time spent: 7 min 8 : X_Boo B I R V Project: AAVSO_P153_SFY_AUTO time spent: 24 min 4 : IX_Dra V Project: AAVSO_P167_HGUA_AUTO time spent: 18 min 6 : V1112_Per B I V Project: AAVSO_P194_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 48 min 8 : V0406_Vul B I R V Project: AAVSO_survey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 248 min 4 : AG_Dra B V 3 : BX_Pup V 3 : CW_Mon V 3 : HQ_Mon V 3 : HS1340+1524 V 3 : IR_Com R 8 : J072816 B I R V 16 : MP_Gem B I R SU 8 : NSV_11154 B I R V 3 : OI_158 V 6 : SU_Lyn B V 5 : U_Sco V 8 : X_Boo B I R V 3 : X_Ser V ========================================== 135 : Total Images 439 : Total time spent (min) 57 : percent in background/survey projects 100000 : Min DB Size(MB) 0 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== NOTE: Target X_Boo appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target HS1340+1524 appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target MP_Gem appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target J072816 appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target SU_Lyn appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target X_Ser appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target AG_Dra appears in 2 projects NOTE: Target IR_Com appears in 2 projects