Datenite: 20200526 ========================================== Observatory : oc61 Start of Run : 06:19:08 26-May-2020 UT End of Run : 10:44:29 26-May-2020 UT Start of Run : 18:19:08 26-May-2020 Local End of Run : 22:44:29 26-May-2020 Local Run Length : 4:25:21 Total Targets : 18 Total Images : 184 ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_LPV_Pearce_AUTO time spent: 23 min 5 : ASAS_J143751-64549 B SI SR V 5 : KK_Car B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_NGC3532_MZK_AUTO time spent: 23 min 16 : NGC_3532 B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_NovaOutburst__KKS_AUTO time spent: 33 min 16 : V1047_Cen B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_P136_SBL_AUTO time spent: 10 min 12 : ASASSN-20da B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_P139_CCHC_AUTO time spent: 17 min 8 : KK_Oph B SI SR V 12 : V0856_Sco B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_P79_Pearce_AUTO time spent: 20 min 13 : V0487_Vel B SI SR V Project: AAVSO_Psxn_Modic_AUTO time spent: 19 min 6 : V3890_Sgr B V Project: AAVSO_rvTau_Pollard_AUTO time spent: 36 min 12 : AI_Sco B SI SR V 12 : AR_Pup B SI SR V 12 : IW_Car B SI SR V 12 : RU_Cen B SI SR V 12 : SX_Cen B SI SR V 4 : V453_Oph B V Project: NOVA_Monitoring time spent: 83 min 10 : CP_Cru B V 7 : PNV_J17291350 B V 10 : V868_Cen B V ========================================== 184 : Total Images 263 : Total time spent (min) 0 : percent in background/survey projects 100000 : Min DB Size(MB) 0 : Max DB Size(MB) ==========================================