There are 1 script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20240526 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_tx Start of Run : 02:39:43 27-May-2024 UT End of Run : 11:12:10 27-May-2024 UT Start of Run : 21:39:43 26-May-2024 Local End of Run : 06:12:10 27-May-2024 Local Run Length : 8:32:27 Total Targets : 36 Total Images : 300 / 1021 net after stacking / raw images ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_NorthSurvey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 133 min 2/ 7 : BO_Cnc B V 3/ 5 : CX_Lyn B V 2/ 5 : DF_Leo B V 3/ 4 : DH_Leo B V 2/ 11 : DR_Leo B V 3/ 5 : EL_Leo B V 0 : FF_Aql 3/ 4 : FG_Dra B V 2/ 7 : FR_Cam B V 3/ 4 : FZ_UMa B V 2/ 9 : GM_UMa B V 3/ 5 : GO_UMa B V 2/ 5 : GY_UMa B V 2/ 4 : HM_UMa B V 2/ 38 : kap_Dra B V 2/ 20 : ome_Vir B V 2/ 6 : R_Leo B V 2/ 10 : RS_Cnc B V 3/ 4 : RU_Crt B V 2/ 9 : RX_LMi B V 3/ 4 : TU_LMi B V 2/ 4 : TX_Sex B V 2/ 6 : TX_UMa B V 2/ 5 : TZ_Sex B V 3/ 4 : VSX_J0930565+444102 B V 2/ 4 : VW_UMa B V 2/ 9 : VY_Leo B V 2/ 8 : VY_UMa B V 4 : W_Cnc B V 2 : Y_Dra B V Project: AAVSO_P102_Cynamon_AUTO time spent: 9 min 11/ 20 : GO_Cnc B I R V Project: AAVSO_P122_Cowall_AUTO time spent: 268 min 200/600 : BW_VUL B SU V Project: AAVSO_P125_RRIA_AUTO time spent: 21 min 4/ 77 : RS_CNC B I R V Project: AAVSO_P138_RRIA_AUTO time spent: 13 min 4/ 32 : V_CVn B I R V Project: AAVSO_P354_DCMA_AUTO time spent: 1 min 0 : T_CRB Project: AAVSO_P389_HDAE_AUTO time spent: 8 min 3/ 18 : Y_Lyn I V Project: AAVSO_P77_Henden_AUTO time spent: 7 min 6/ 18 : SU_LYN B I R V Project: AAVSO_P99ARMADATXRev1_MZK_AUTO time spent: 32 min 3/ 44 : gam_CrB B R V 0 : HD133484 ========================================== 300/1021 : Total images, net after stacking / raw images 494 : Total time spent (min) 27 : percent in background/survey projects 4 : Min DB Size(MB) 4 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== Errors encountered: File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_tx_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240526/HD133484-20240527@053734.log Line: 05:45:20 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 05:45:21 Message: The property has not been set.: ExposureStartTime ========================================== Plate solve report: pointing solutions: 22 / 30 image solutions: 573 / 669 all-sky solutions: 0 / 0