There are script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20200812 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_nm Start of Run : 03:07:19 13-Aug-2020 UT End of Run : 07:54:05 13-Aug-2020 UT Start of Run : 21:07:19 12-Aug-2020 Local End of Run : 01:54:05 13-Aug-2020 Local Run Length : 4:46:46 Total Targets : 43 Total Images : 690 ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_NorthSurvey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 83 min 2 : AG_Cap B V 13 : AR_Cas B V 4 : AS_Cap B V 4 : ASAS_J215914-08582 B V 4 : ASAS_J220040+26280 B V 4 : AW_Peg B V 4 : BU_Cap B V 4 : BV_Cap B V 2 : DX_Aqr B V 6 : eps_Cap B V 6 : IN_Peg B V 6 : khi_Aqr B V 2 : KN_Aqr B V 4 : KX_Peg B V 4 : LO_Aqr B V 2 : LP_Aqr B V 0 : LU_Aqr 6 : omi_Aqr B V 4 : OR_Peg B V 6 : pi_Aqr B V 4 : QT_Peg B V 2 : R_Aqr B V 4 : V0336_Peg B V 6 : VV_Cep B V 0 : Z_Aqr Project: AAVSO_P103_PSulivan_AUTO time spent: 29 min 114 : R_CrB B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P105_Dowhos_AUTO time spent: 12 min 40 : RR_Lyr B I R V Project: AAVSO_P112_McNeely_AUTO time spent: 11 min 12 : TZ_Cyg B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P115_ETOA_AUTO time spent: 41 min 60 : 6_Cas B I V 60 : rho_Cas B I V 60 : V509_Cas B I V Project: AAVSO_P145_BETB_AUTO time spent: 11 min 12 : AS_Cas B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P48and60_SFRA_AUTO time spent: 72 min 24 : khi_Cyg B I R V 24 : R_Aqr B I R V 24 : S_Cas B I R V 19 : ST_Cyg B I R V 25 : T_Cas B I R V 27 : T_Cep B I R V 19 : T_UMi B I R V 13 : W_Cas B I R V 24 : WZ_Dra B I R V Project: AAVSO_P71_TWP_AUTO time spent: 4 min 10 : 000-BMK-458 B V Project: AAVSO_P80_DRZ_AUTO time spent: 8 min 20 : GSC_03536-00687 V ========================================== 690 : Total Images 271 : Total time spent (min) 30 : percent in background/survey projects 8 : Min DB Size(MB) 8 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== NOTE: Target R_Aqr appears in 2 projects Errors encountered: File: /mnt/data3/data/arne/bsm_nm_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20200812/LU_Aqr-20200813@074620.log Line: 07:50:27 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Line: 07:50:27 Message: **Too many failures to plate solve. The scope appears to be lost. Aborted. File: /mnt/data3/data/arne/bsm_nm_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20200812/Z_Aqr-20200813@075246.log Line: 07:54:04 **Script Error** Line: 07:54:04 Message: The script was aborted.